NVivo Campus Agreement

The Faculty of Social Science, in conjunction with Western Libraries, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Ivey School of Business, has entered into a campus agreement for NVivo. The license covers NVivo Starter for Windows, NVivo Pro for Windows, and NVivo for Mac. This license is now being managed by the Campus Computer Store.

How can I access NVivo?

In the Faculty of Social Science, NVivo is installed on public computers in most Graduate and Undergraduate computer rooms. If you cannot find NVivo on one of these public systems, please contact the administrator of that computer room. It is also installed on some systems in Western Libraries.

Can I get NVivo on my own computer?

Individual licenses can be purchased through the Campus Computer Store. Faculty and staff members can purchase an annual license for their own computers or for University owned equipment for $110 per computer. Students can purchase a copy for their own personal computers for $40 per computer. Purchases can be made online through the Campus Computer Store using the appropriate faculty or student link, or they can be made directly in the store. The annual license renewal is in mid-July.

If you are from the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, the Faculty of Health Sciences, or the Ivey School of Business, please contact your local IT staff for more information.

NVivo Users Group

There is a mailing list called NVivoUG@uwo.ca which is intended to be used as a forum for Western users of NVivo.  You can use it to ask questions of your colleagues, to provide support to each other, and to develop a community of interest. If you would like to be added to this mailing list, please send a message to owner-nvivoug@uwo.ca.