Software Downloads

The Social Science Technology Services (SSTS) provides the software for Scan Exam-II and Marks Management System.  We provide an examination scanning service for Faculty of Social Science courses.  Other course exams should be taken to the WTS examination services office.

NOTE: Grade submission from MMS and email in ScanExam and MMS, no longer works because support for has been discontinued. Please switch to OWL for these functions.

Assistance: Please use the Usage Notes and Frequently Asked Questions links below. Also note that help for any menu item can be found by pressing the F1 key while hovering over the menu item. You can print a copy of the course notes previously used in the former introductory course.


Scan Exam II is a Windows application for marking, analyzing, reporting and editing multiple choice exams after they have been read through an optical mark reader (OMR). The exam format supported is Standard Multiple Choice (180 questions, 5-choice A-E) which uses UWO Scantron Form F-13209-UWO. The current version of the ScanExam-II software is available for downloading. For best results, download or copy the install file to an empty folder before installing.


Marks Management System (MMS)

Marks Management System is a Windows application for performing routine processing tasks associated with the recording, calculation and reporting of student grades. The layout and operation of MMS is similar to a spreadsheet with custom features which cater to grade management. The current version of the MMS software is available for downloading. For best results, download or copy the install file to an empty folder before installing.

NOTE: MMS is no longer being developed and Western recommends that you use OWL instead. MMS is available for download "as is" for people who still wish to use it. Please note that the email functions in MMS are no longer supported.

Other Software

Other software is available to users of the SSC Network from various download sources including the following:

  • PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for an SSH, Telnet or rlogin session.
  • WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy) is a free and open source SFTP client for Microsoft Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer.
  • Anti-virus software for faculty and departmental computers systems.
  • Notepad ++ was formerly available from our Network Add-Remove Programs list. It is a very powerful text editor useful for programming.

* If a warning appears showing the file  can't be downloaded securely, you will have to instruct your browser to keep the file. On chrome, you can do this by finding the file along the bottom of the browser, clicking the up arrow and selecting  keep. If you are using Micrsoft Edge, the warning will appear in the top right of the browser. Click on the three dots to the right of the file name, and select  Keep. See images below for examples of keeping the files in Chrome (left) and Edge (right). keep software chrome  Keep Software Edge