Winter 2016 Volume 17, Issue 1

Document Camera

by Rick Cornwall and Kam Abado

Thanks to the Social Science Student Donation Fund, we were able to purchase an Epson ELDPC11 colour document camera for Social Science faculty, staff and students to use.

The document camera is the latest way to add interactive and exciting visual technology to your presentation. Audiences can easily view details of objects on a projector screen, a large LCD display, or a computer monitor. This is the ideal tool to use if you want to visually share a unique object with your class without risking damage to it; or without causing distractions to students by passing the object around.

The display capabilities of this Epson ELDPC11 camera include: 3D objects; articles and clips; artwork; capturing live images; or zooming in on a specific detail of an object. A microscope adapter is available to capture video or snapshots of very small objects. Additional software can be installed to allow you to embed the captured video or snapshots into documents or presentation software.

If you wish to inquire about signing out the document camera, please contact SSTS.