Recently Added Data
Vince Gray and Elizabeth Hill
Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2005 (CIUS)
The Household Internet Use Survey (HIUS (1997-2003) has been surperceded by the individual-based CIUS.
Concordance Between the Canadian Customs Tariff and the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Concordance Between the Canadian Customs Tariff and the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Labour Force Historical Review, 2006
Labour Force Historical Review includes monthly and annual data on a wide range of subjects, including:
- labour force status by demographics
- education and family characteristics
- trends in the labour markets of metropolitan areas
- employment and unemployment levels by economic regions
- data by industry and occupation
- wages and union membership
Survey of Financial Security, 2005
The Survey of Financial Security collects data on income, expenses, assets, debts and the wealth of Canadian families. The file is produced at the economic family level with information on family demographics; income; expenses; behaviours and attitudes; principal residence; assets, debts and net worth; family composition and size; and the major income recipient.
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Managing Editor
- .: Mary Van de Ven