October 2002
Volume 6, Issue 1
Inside this Issue...
XP on SSC Network
E-mail Options
Development Support
Support Policy
Social Science Computing Laboratory
Faculty of Social Science
Room 1228, Social Science Centre
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2
E-mail: ssts@uwo.ca
Web: www.ssc.uwo.ca/ssnds
Phone: 519 661-2152
Managing Editor:
Fudge |
SSC Network Update
Laptop Support Policy
Les Flodrowski
Over the last year, we have received an increased number of requests to
connect laptop computers to the SSC Network. Since laptops are portable
and easily disconnected from the network, the support service policy is
slightly different than for desktop computers.
with a desktop PC, a laptop can be directly connected to the SSC Network
letting users take advantage of high-speed Internet access for e-mail,
browsing and web-based services. Unlike a desktop computer, however,
software available from the network such as SPSS cannot be installed
directly on the laptop because of licensing issues. Instead, laptop users
can access network-based software using our remote access service (sscnet.uwo.ca).
Faculty and staff may also install software made available through the
Microsoft Campus Agreement directly on to their laptops for use either in
the faculty or at home.
SSCL has also started a wireless support project aimed at servicing
roaming laptop users in the Social Science Centre. A roaming user, who has
a laptop with a wireless network card installed, will be able to
automatically access the Internet and remote access services from any
designated location in the building as well as other locations on campus.
This service is targeted for introduction by fall 2003.