October 2002 Volume 6, Issue 1 Inside this Issue...
Social Science Computing Laboratory E-mail: ssts@uwo.ca |
SSC Network UpdateWindows XP on SSC NetworkAli Hammoud Windows XP Professional is the supported operating system for new computers on the SSC Network. Windows XP is the latest Microsoft operating system and is more reliable than its predecessors. All SSC Network software and services available under Windows 95/98/Me/2000 are also available under Windows XP, with the exception of Netscape (see New E-mail Options). The newly supported e-mail client is Microsoft Outlook, and the web browser is Internet Explorer. SSCL has prepared Help Notes (located at www.ssc.uwo.ca/ssnds/helpnotes/) to introduce Windows XP and to help users migrate from Netscape to Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook. If your students utilize the computers on the Network, While the installation of Windows XP Professional on new computers with a recommended configuration is a straight forward procedure, installing it on existing computers requires a complete reformat of the hard drive. All files that need to be preserved must be backed up. The files are restored to the hard drive after Windows XP is installed. Software applications must be re-installed and preferences reset after the upgrade to Windows XP. Thus, individual upgrades are both labour intensive and time consuming. SSCL recommends the following:
If you have questions about Windows XP, please call Ali at ext. 83597. |