Recent Research Data Centre (RDC) Additions

Vince Gray and Elizabeth Hill


Census 2001 20% Sample (long form data)

2001 Census data is now available in the RDCs. The 1996 and 2006 census data will be available in the RDCs by December 2008. Researchers who use microdata for their research program need to submit their proposals to SSHRC.

  • The Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF) available through IDLS are three distinct samples of individuals, families and households drawn from the 2B sample. Geographic detail below the CMA level is unavailable, and the files have been anonymized through capping and grouping.
  • By contrast, the RDC version:
    • is one file with four census universes (population, family, household, dwelling) linked to permit analysis at all levels and multilevel
    • is the full 2B file which is a 20% sample (6,080,919 records). The file excludes institutional residents, residents of incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements, and foreign residents, namely foreign diplomats, members of the Armed Forces or another country who are stationed in Canada, and residents of another country who are visiting Canada temporarily
    • has geography at the Census tract (CT) or Census subdivision (CSD) level where CT is not available (i.e. rural areas)
    • provides data directly from the questionnaire and allows researchers to build their own variables
    • contains no capping or categorization of continuous variables: data is available exactly as provided on the census form
  • Access to RDC files needs an approval proposal study. Census enhanced confidentiality rules are applied. For further details, please contact Brad Corbett.

Contact Information:

Bradley Corbett, RDC Analyst,
Telephone: 519-850-2971 or ext. 82971
Social Science Centre, Room 1030

RDC web site:
RDC e-mail:

Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.